"the main street of america",
"The Mother of American Roads, "the Road of Life, the Will Rogers Highway — all of these names belong to the legendary Route 66

Where it all began

Route 66, or as it is called in the world Route 66 is one of the first highways in the U.S. road system, a true legend not only in North America, Will Rogers' highway is forever in the history of the world. Route 66 was the epitome of the dream of independence freedom and adventure. Many of the images that embody American culture and spirit are associated with Route 66.
Numerous stopping points, motels, restaurants, and gas stations sprang up along the road and became icons of car culture.
Lt. Edward Fitzgerald Beale, a naval officer in the service of the Army Corps of Engineers and Surveyors
The U.S. was commissioned to build a government-funded universal road along the 35th parallel. This road became part of Route 66.
Construction of Route 66 near Hooker Township, Missouri
in the United States: Chicago and Los Angeles, and was the most favorite road on the mainland for everyone, because its route passed through beautiful places and became significant for tourists to this day.
There were no road signs until 1927, and it was fully paved only 10 years later. It connected two important megapolitan giants
The number 66 in numerology is considered as the main number bringing earthly joys and success.
When it came time to assign a number to the route, controversy ensued. Cyrus Avery, an entrepreneur and author of the idea, who was actively involved in the construction, suggested the number 60, but John Page, an engineer, insisted on the number "66" because of its ease of pronunciation.
The first trans-American highway in U.S. history was inaugurated
Cyrus Avery
from her. The route passed through many large and small towns, which created favorable conditions for family businesses: gas stations, service stations, restaurants everything a traveler might need.
During dust storms, many farm families (mostly from Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas) migrated along Route 66 west to California. Because they thought that was where they would find happiness. The "Mother of Roads" became the main highway to achieve their goals.
The Great Depression hit the country and Route 66 literally helped those who lived in close proximity to it to survive
J. Steinbeck, "The Grapes of Wrath"
The writer John Steinbeck described these difficulties in his novel The Grapes of Wrath, where the heroes of the book traveled along Route 66 in an old car in search of a better life. He also called it the Mother of American Roads in his novel.
The 1930s, the Great Depression
in Springfield, Missouri, one of the first highways in the country to be numbered 66
Advertising for a national convention honoring Route 66 and Will Rogers
was associated with many of the states of Route 66. Therefore, Route 66 received another unofficial name in honor of the great actor.
During World War II, the United States government decided to establish a military camp in the south of the continent. Therefore, after the end of hostilities, several hundred thousand soldiers traveled to California along Route 66.
Was one of the famous comedians of the 20s and 30s. It just so happens that the story of his life and career
Will Rogers
Will Rogers
1956 marked the beginning of the end of Route 66. U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower signed the Federal-Aid Highway Act into law. New highways were built to bypass the old highway.
Over time, the legendary highway disappeared from U.S. highway maps. At the end of the twentieth century, Route 66 was not in the best condition: some sections were deteriorating and the quality of the road surface was rapidly declining. But no one was thinking of tearing it down - the public took the initiative to make the road a national monument. Authorities combined the preserved sections and called them Historic Route 66.
Construction of the last section was completed and Route 66 was written off
Move the maps with the cursor
Route 66 originates in Chicago, from the western edge of Michigan Avenue and travels through 8 states and 3 time zones, ending on the Pacific Coast.
Travel time averages from 2 weeks to a month
3,940 kilometers or 2,448 miles
Route 66 originates in Chicago, from the western edge of Michigan Avenue and travels through 8 states and 3 time zones, ending on the Pacific Coast.
Travel time averages 2 weeks to a month
3,940 kilometers or 2,448 miles
Los Angeles
Kansas 13 miles
California 314 miles
Arizona 400 miles
Texas 185 miles
New Mexico 487 miles
Oklahoma 432 miles
Illinois 300 miles
Missouri 317 miles


turn on the music and keep driving
Chuck Berry - Get Youre Kicks On Route 66

Tour of the states

Welcome to Illinois
Packing a suitcase
Chicago, Cloud Gate.
First stop
Rent a car
Lou Mitchell's Restaurant, founded 1923.
Lou Mitchell's Restaurant in Chicago is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and has been dubbed "the first stop on the Main Road."
Gemini Giant.
Wilmington, Illinois
Gemini Giant.
He got his name after the Gemini space program and holds a silver spaceship. It's just over 9 meters tall. Created in 1964.
Let's go!
"Gateway to the West" is a 192-foot arch in St. Louis, Missouri
Welcome to Missouri
Kan-O-Tex Service Station. Galena, Kansas. Former service station and gift store.
You're entering Kansas
Oklahoma welcomes you
The largest rocking chair in the world. Fanning, Missouri
Welcome to Texas
The Blue Whale is a coastal structure located east of the town of Catoosa, Oklahoma. One of the most recognizable landmarks on old Route 66.
Clinton, Oklahoma
Route 66 Museum, where you can learn how the "Mother of American Roads" was created, prospered and destroyed.
Cadillac Ranch, Amarillo, Texas.
Public art installation created in 1974.
Welcome to New Mexico
You're entering Arizona
The U-Drop Inn, built in 1936. Shamrock, Texas
The town of Tucumcari is located in the middle of the desert and consists of old motels. The most picturesque is the Motel Blue Swallow. The motels have bright neon signs and retro-style rooms
Route 66 Automobile Museum in Santa Rosa.
The U-Drop Inn, an Art Deco gas station and restaurant used as inspiration for one of the buildings in the cartoon village of Radiator Springs in the movie Cars
Interesting fact
Packing a suitcase
Flying home
Welcome to California
Holbrook, Arizona.
Lodge Hotel. The main attraction of the town
Roy's Motel and Café, Amboy, California is a motel, café, gas station and auto repair shop
Santa Monica Pier.
This sign warns that the legendary Route 66 ends at this location
Grand Canyon is one of the deepest canyons in the world. It is located on the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, USA, on the territory of the Grand Canyon National Park, as well as the Navajo, Havasupai, and Walapai Indian reservations. The canyon is 277 miles long
This training project and made as part of the Course on creative layout and animation by Anja Melnik. All materials are taken from open sources and belong to their copyright holders.
The tour was conducted by Evgenia Dudko
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